A membership for practice owners who aim to cultivate a thriving practice culture without compromising growth or profit.

My mission is to show you that business and people don't have to be at odds. In fact, when you put your people first, the business stuff tends to fall into place.

It's all about finding that sweet spot where business and humanity collide in the best possible way.

Tell me if this sounds like you. Are you…

  • still struggling with creating a thriving practice culture and you just can’t seem to figure out why?

  • endless frustrated by your team, but also concerned about how they’re doing, what they need, and how to support them?

  • freaking exhausted by trying to figure out how to develop your people, cultivate leaders, and learn when to let go and trust your systems?

  • pining and longing and yearning for a culture-focused group of people who aren’t just worried about growing their practice, but also ensuring a thriving practice culture?

If you're all about building a killer culture in your therapy practice and want to see it grow sustainably, you're in the right place.

Helmed by Dr. Tara Vossenkemper, a passionate expert on practice culture, our community is the ultimate hub for group practice owners who put culture first.

The Practice Culture First Membership community offers two membership options, tailored to fit your current personal and practice needs.

The Practice Culture First Membership

When you join the Practice Culture First Membership community, you get:

  • live monthly Q&As with Tara or a cool af guest expert

  • live monthly trainings with Tara or a bombass guest expert

  • digital video library

  • private Facebook group (with pop-up lives that store in the group automatically)

  • a curated digital resource library (per request by you)

  • ability to request specialized trainings

Get this at the stellar price of $59/month!

*I say “stellar price” because one hour of consulting with yours truly is almost 5x that price, but you get me live twice per month to be able to engage, ask questions, and chat, not including the times I’m in our private Facebook group tending to people’s questions and needs.

I’m biased, but this is legit a wonderful group of people with a singular focus - engaged and healthy practice cultures with sustainable practices.

The Lives-Only Membership

Because I’m so gentle-of-spirit (hahahahaha), I’ve created a “lives-only” membership. This is for folks who only want to:

  • join the private facebook community

  • attend live monthly Q&As with Tara or a guest expert

  • attend live monthly trainings with Tara or a guest expert

The Lives-Only Membership goes for $29/month.

I’ll be honest with y’all - this is a damn steal of a deal. For $29/month, you get access to yours truly (or guest expert) for two hours each month, as well as all-the-engagement-you-need via our private community.

Plus, this is a way of testing the waters of the membership before joining and getting the curated digital goodies, as well!


The Practice Culture First Membership is all

about laying down the groundwork for success.

And I firmly believe that building a rock-solid culture is the key to making big things happen.

When you've got a team that feels valued and a culture that's firing on all cylinders, that's when the magic starts to happen.


You still feel unsure about this? It’s really no biggie! I get it - deciding on memberships can feel tricky [I’m very skeptical when I think somebody is trying to “sell” me something].

Okay, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. Let’s take a minute and I’ll answer some questions I anticipate you having.

  • We get it. Time and money are precious resources. But think of it this way: what's the cost of not investing in your practice culture? When your team isn't firing on all cylinders, it can lead to turnover, burnout, and ultimately, a hit to your bottom line. Our community is all about giving you the tools and support you need to build a culture that not only keeps your team happy and engaged but also drives real results for your practice.

  • We hear you loud and clear. Running a therapy practice is no walk in the park. But here's the thing: investing in your practice culture now can save you a ton of time and headaches down the road. When your team is firing on all cylinders and your culture is rock solid, everything else just seems to fall into place. Plus, with our tiered membership options, you can choose the level of involvement that works best for you and your schedule.

  • Hey, we're all about inclusivity here. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you'll find a warm welcome waiting for you in our community. We're all here for the same reason: to build thriving practice cultures that make a real difference in the world. So come as you are, and we'll make sure you feel right at home.

  • We totally get where you're coming from. With so many online communities out there, it can be hard to know which ones are worth your time. But here's the thing: our community isn't just another online forum. It's a carefully curated space where you'll get access to live trainings, exclusive resources, and one-on-one coaching from Dr. Tara herself. Plus, you'll be joining a community of like-minded professionals who are all on the same journey as you. So why not give it a shot? You might just be surprised at what you find.

If you still have questions (or more or different ones) after reading through the above, book a 15-minute, free Discovery Call with me and we can chat in real time about what questions/issues/thoughts you might be having about joining the membership full of incredible people just as concerned about their practice culture and business growth as you. #ISeeYou #YouFeelMeBruh #PracticeCulture4Lyfe

Owning a practice is a feat, my friend, and it’s hard af to do it alone.