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 Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers Consulting

Helping you to assess and fix the most important things in your business to save precious time in your life.

Do you really think it’s fair that healthcare practice owners feel confused and disheartened about how to run a business? Why should we feel guilty and unsure about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it? We started our therapy practices so that we could be a favorite place to work for amazing clinicians, and so that we could touch the lives of even more clients than we’d ever be able to see as solopreneurs. 

Instead? We’re scratching our heads, rubbing our eyes, and on the verge of tears from exhaustion and despair about the amount of work we have in front of us and where to focus our time and attention


You went to school to help people, not to question every move you make in your business and not to give up before you’ve ever had a chance to really grow and shine. Feeling exhausted, unsure, and guilty should not be the norm. Running your therapy practice should add to your, your client’s, and your employee’s lives.

 You don’t have to feel confused and guilty anymore. 

You absolutely can run a healthcare practice and feel:

  • confident that you understand what the major problems are and how to address them

  • happy that you’ve got a clear understanding of where to focus the most valuable commodity you have - your time

  • guilt-free about decisions you make regarding business structure, marketing, clinical services, and hr, because you understand the foundation you’re building upon

  • clarity about the most important components of your business, why you should focus on these key areas, and how to do so

I. GET. IT. More than I’d like to admit.

I‘ve felt that confusion and guilt, unsure of what to focus on and why to focus on it, questioning whether I was flying blind, and hoping like hell for any little ‘sign’ to show me the way. 

That’s why I’m here. There is a better way. 

I’m here to help folks like you, healthcare practice owners, find clarity, rationale, and structure for your business. This is exactly why Kasey solicited me to be the lead consultant for Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers - she knew how I felt about this.

You deserve to feel like you know what the hell you’re doing. And I’ve got the resources, framework, and tenacity to help you get there.

It’s super easy, folks. All you do is choose whether you want to implement Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers via 1:1 coaching or as part of a small group!


Choose Your Coaching Package


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1:1 Coaching Package

Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers 1:1 Coaching includes:

  • four 1:1 coaching sessions (scheduled weekly)

  • a detailed overview of the healthcare hierarchy of needs

  • diagnosing your practice (what to fix)

  • treatment planning (how to fix it)

  • PASS method (working through issues and problems)

  • ongoing integration (ensuring you do this routinely and consistently)

This is ideal for folks who don’t appreciate or enjoy a small group experience (no shame). Sign up below!


Small Group Coaching

Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers Small Group Coaching includes:

  • four 1:1 coaching sessions (scheduled weekly)

  • a detailed overview of the healthcare hierarchy of needs

  • diagnosing your practice (what to fix)

  • treatment planning (how to fix it)

  • PASS method (working through issues and problems)

  • ongoing integration (ensuring you do this routinely and consistently)

This is ideal for folks who do appreciate or enjoy a small group experience (no shame). Sign up below!


Here’s the deal. I know you’re the type of business owner who wants to understand what business decisions are most important at any given point in time and why. Like so many other healthcare practice owners, you want to have clarity and feel grounded. 

In order to get to that point, you need to have some structure for assessing the health of your business and for making decisions related to running your business.

Running a practice is no joke, and doing it without any structure is like trying to hit a bullseye in archery with a blindfold on. 

The problem is that you don’t know what to trust. Not only is it hard to find the right people to trust, but you’re also unsure of the tools. When you do find them, you don’t trust that they’ll actually be fast enough for you, you don’t trust that you’ll implement them correctly, and you don’t trust that you’ll be able to do them consistently. You end up feeling even more guilty and overwhelmed than before. 

I absolutely believe that all healthcare business owners deserve to feel self-assured that they know what decisions to make in their business and why.

I’m telling you, I get it. I get what it’s like to feel confused and guilty about my business decisions, constantly questioning myself, unsure of what I’m doing and why.

This is exactly why I teach healthcare business owners the Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers framework, so that you have a guide for your business decisions, to help you figure out what to focus on and why

It really is time for you to stop feeling confused and guilty about how you’re running your business and to start feeling clear and focused with the decisions you make and the rationale behind them. You got this.

And wait, before you even ask, let me offer some answers to questions you might have. I know I’d have them if I was in your position!

  • Fix This Next Business Consulting for Healthcare Professionals isn’t just consulting for fixing a specific problem, it’s consulting for you to integrate an effective framework for ongoing business health assessment. Think of it as meta (while also practical). It’s a framework for figuring out what to fix, unencumbered by another person’s ideas. This is your assessment of your business with your input.

  • It really is. The Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers framework is simple, powerful, and one that you can apply over and again. Of course, we all know that ‘simple’ doesn’t mean easy. Simple means that we’re distilling down complex topics in a form that is easy to digest and easy to implement. So yes, it is that simple.

  • Like hell you won’t! You’ll be an expert at this by the time we’re done working with each other. I have zero interest in trying to get you dependent on me in order to be successful in your healthcare business. I am 100 percent interested in you understanding how to implement a Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers framework so that you can take what you learn and keep growing. Description text goes here


The time is now, my friend. Stop wasting yours and start figuring out how to get to the heart of your business issues, while also learning how to effectively solve problems for good.


1:1 Coaching Package

Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers 1:1 Coaching includes:

  • four 1:1 coaching sessions (scheduled weekly)

  • a detailed overview of the healthcare hierarchy of needs

  • diagnosing your practice (what to fix)

  • treatment planning (how to fix it)

  • PASS method (working through issues and problems)

  • ongoing integration (ensuring you do this routinely and consistently)

This is ideal for folks who don’t appreciate or enjoy a small group experience (no shame). Sign up below!


Small Group Coaching

Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers Small Group Coaching includes:

  • four 1:1 coaching sessions (scheduled weekly)

  • a detailed overview of the healthcare hierarchy of needs

  • diagnosing your practice (what to fix)

  • treatment planning (how to fix it)

  • PASS method (working through issues and problems)

  • ongoing integration (ensuring you do this routinely and consistently)

This is ideal for folks who do appreciate or enjoy a small group experience (no shame). Sign up below!