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Business Consulting for Practice Owners

Because every owner deserves to love their practice culture, trust their hires, have efficient systems, and save time in their lives.

Tell me if this sounds like you…

  • want to revamp your hiring process with intention and a special emphasis on finding the right people

  • desperately want to create a heathy practice culture, but feel unsure about how to effectively do this and maintain it without 24/7 oversight

  • are having an issue with (a) toxic employee(s), and are unsure about how to handle it while not disrupting your entire practice culture and systems

  • are tired of feeling uncertain about how employees feel and what they want, and want help embedding feedback systems into your practice

  • feel frustrated about balls getting dropped by people who don’t seem to understand what their role is or how to effectively do it, and yet you feel unsure about how to solve this issue for good

  • feel overwhelmed by the amount of tasks on your plate, but don’t know which person to delegate those tasks to and aren’t sure how to let go of the tasks

  • know you need to clarify your org chart to be on the same page as your team, but can’t figure out the best way to structure your practice roles

  • want to conceptualize the next, most important roles to integrate into your org chart, but feel both confused and uncertain about what should come first

  • want to develop a leadership team, but are unsure which roles are most important and which people are the best fit from your team

  • feel reticent to create a leadership team that you desperately need because you’ve done this in the past and it went poorly (think once-bitten-twice-shy mentality) or because you’re overwhelmed by the thought of doing it

Your business shouldn’t take you away from your calling to be of service to others - it should add to it. You, your clients, and your employees, deserve more. 

You don’t have to feel overwhelmed and alone.

I’m Dr. Tara Vossenkemper - I’m happy you’re here!

I’m a therapist-entrepreneur, speaker, and practice consultant with a zest for organizational culture, hiring the right people, and intentional design.

I’ve got a knack for a few things (read: an overzealous interest that some might call obsessive [#DontJudgeMe #IMightBeIntense #ButAtLeastYouKnowUpFront]). .

First, practice consulting. My passion and zest is hardcore about organizational health (i.e., practice culture, employee morale), hiring the right people, metrics and accountability, and intentional design. What does that mean, exactly? Well, I’ll explain.

  • Organizational health is about the overall wellness of your practice. Is morale high? Are people engaged? Do employees feel both invested and valued? Is everybody generally satisfied? There’s way more to it than that, of course, but those are the broad brush strokes.

  • Hiring the right people is about, well, just that - hiring the right people. Hiring is hard, for real, but I’ll say that hiring the right people is a way of ensuring that your turnover remains low and bad apples get booted quickly. [Yes, even if you have solid hiring processes, you’ll have poor fits sneak in!]

  • Metrics and accountability is exactly what it sounds like. It’s not enough to have metrics in place. First, you need to understand why you’re tracking/kpi-ing/metric-ing the things you’re tracking. Secondly, you need to know how to make sense of them. You need to understand the story they’re telling you. Third, and most important, you have to know how to act on them, including holding people accountable. And there it is, folks.

  • Intentional design is all about doing things with purpose (::cue my youngest year old asking “why” on repeat::). This is from how you set up your systems, how you streamline your processes, how you make decisions, the vision you set, and the values you exude. All of it.

Secondly, I’m a therapist-entrepreneur. What does this mean, exactly? Well, it means that I started out as a private practitioner, and quickly shifted into owning and running a group therapy practice. While I started out with a hefty caseload, the majority of my current time is focused on building the business and ensuring alignment with our vision.

My point with the above is not to highlight how incredible I am (#ImNot), but it’s to help you gather enough information to make an informed decision about your consultation. Boom, baby - that’s it.

[Okay, but if you do think I’m incredible, thank you. I will graciously accept fan mail in the form of The Office trinkets. Or Parks and Rec as a backup. #HairToss #CheckMyNails]

Here’s the deal. You’ve got a feel for if you’re on the right page and you’ve got a little history on me. The only thing that remains is what you need to do next, and I’ve got you covered on that!

Your Next Steps
[told you I had you covered]!

  1. Book a Discovery Call)

    We briefly chat to figure out if I’m actually the best fit for you. I’ll get a feel for your main struggles and give you some insight as to whether I’m the right person for you or not. If I am, I’ll also tell you an approximate amount of time the work would take. Long and short is that you’ll leave the call with pricing for consultation, a package deal, or a referral!

  2. Craft a Plan (i.e., Decide)

    After the call, we’ll come up with a plan of action (assuming you decide to work with me). We’ll figure out the order in which to address the issues on your list and we’ll get the hell going! Getting started is the most important piece in all of this. We’ll kick off our work as quickly as we can, scheduling out the number of sessions you signed up for.
    [As an aside, there is a very high probability that you will have practical takeaways from each call with me. Some might call this homework. To each their own.]

  3. Take Action (and Track Results!!)

    Action will move the ship, people. We have to move in order to get results. And think about results as both formal and informal, although we’ll make sure that you’re able to set up tracking systems for any data you want to see as a result of our work together. I love informality, but you’d be hardpressed to find me operating without some data at my fingertips.


1:1 Consulting with Tara

[::cue-ing my inner Mirabel::] Okay, okay, okay, okay, so many options on this site, so let’s turn the clarity up. You know why? I think it’s time for a consultation (consultation)! [::and scene::]

Look, if you’re one of those people who knows what you want and, for some reason, you know also entails working with yours truly, then we can just get straight to it. In other words, no need for a Discovery Call and you can select your favorite option below!


1:1 Consulting (60-Minutes)

Exactly as it sounds. This is 1:1 consulting with me, Tara. This investment will get you exactly one hour of my time, and is best suited for people who have a specific question that they feel pretty clear about with regard to the variables at play, and/or for folks who tend towards brevity (#NotMe #NoJudgment)!

Schedule by clicking below and finding a time that works for you.

1:1 Consulting (90-Minutes)

Also pretty straightforward. This is still 1:1 consulting with me, Tara, but it’s a 90-minute block. Look, sometimes an hour just can’t quite do the trick. Rather than rush to fill the space, this is created for folks who want to take their time, just a little bit, and really focus on either laying things our or planning for the fix.

Schedule by clicking below and finding a time that works for you.

1:1 Consulting (2-Hours)

Yet again, very cut and dry. More 1:1 consulting with me, Tara.. This is really designed for folks who aren’t entirely sure what the variables are with regard to the problem, have two-three problems that may (or may not) be interconnected, or need some real coaching around how to deal with people issues during their plan for the fix.

Schedule by clicking below and finding a time that works for you.

I can’t promise you that I have the exact right answers, but I can promise you that I’ll help you figure out what’s the next best move for you, your practice, and your sanity.


 And that’s a wrap, folks!